From Hometown Cliques to Global Pals: The Magic of Virtual Hangouts
Can we agree that the internet isn't all cat videos and shallow connections? 🤔 Let's break it down—do those heartfelt, tear-jerking bonds really need a face-to-face intro, or can we find some true-blue buds online? Let's dig into this and find out together.
In this post, I’m going to bust the commonly believed myth that authentic, genuine connections can only be made in person. 🎯 I’ll also share with you how to find supportive online groups that prioritize being real, being supportive, and foster the meaningful connections you’re looking for.
“The most important things in life are the connections you make with others.”
-Tom Ford
If you’ve been looking to connect with other soul-searching, sensitive womxn with a passion for creating positive change in the world, you may think you have to find groups in your local area.
You’re not alone in this idea. Many people feel that in person connections are more real, more genuine. It’s a commonly held belief that online relationships can be superficial and lack authenticity. 💻
With all the trolls out there on social media and online groups, it’s understandable that you’d feel this way. Who among us hasn’t been bullied in an online forum? The perceived anonymity of the internet makes it easier for people to act in ways they wouldn’t with in-person communications. 🫤
Unfortunately, limiting your search to in-person groups in your local area is also limiting your ability to connect with the most supportive groups. Particularly in the wake of COVID, more and more communities are meeting online, even if they’re based in your local area. 💻
Also, online groups will likely include people from outside your local area, maybe even from other parts of the world. 🌎 This diversity offers unique perspectives that will help you expand your views and deepen your understanding of both yourself and the challenges you want to help solve. By limiting your search, you're limiting your own growth and impact.
“I define connection as the energy that exists between people when they feel seen, heard, and valued; when they can give and receive without judgment; and when they derive sustenance and strength from the relationship.”
– Brené Brown
The truth is that you can make deep, meaningful connections with like-minded people online. 💻 The trick is to find the right communities. This will require you to do some screening and may also mean paying a small monthly fee, but with some effort you can find supportive communities online.
As you may have suspected, these groups often exist outside typical social media (though they may have a social media component to them). They likely also include some sort of structure, such as monthly meetups, discussion prompts, etc. It is the structure that creates a safe place and enables meaningful connections within the group. 🤝
Here’s an example from my own life. When I lived in VT, I joined several online bird watching groups to try to connect with people. In one group, I was outright bullied. I reported it to the admin, who basically said “oh, I know the folks who did that. They didn’t mean it.” 🤦♀️
Uhm…what? I felt completely unsafe being a part of that group from that point forward and ultimately left it due to the situation and the admin’s response.
Another group, however, had discussion prompts based on the day of the week. While people could certainly post other things, those prompts helped create a safe place. I was never bullied in that group and the admin worked hard to ensure the discussions were friendly, supportive, helpful, and on topic. 🤗
Structure and a caring admin made all the difference.
Another thing to look for in your search for a supportive online community is how they interact. Their words, yes, but also - are they only typing to each other or is there some sort of video meeting included as well. 📹
Having virtual get togethers makes the connections more personal. It removes the anonymity factor because you all know each other. You can see that each person is who they say they are and trust that when they’re typing to you what they’re saying is real. 💖
“Communication is merely an exchange of information, but connection is an exchange of our humanity.”
– Sean Stephenson
Now that you know online communities can be supportive and nurture your personal growth, you can expand your search for connection with other soul-searching, sensitive womxn with a passion for creating positive change in the world to include these types of groups. 💪
You can stop struggling to find connections in your local area and embrace the diversity of online communities. 🎉
You can amp up your own personal growth and impact by finding the right virtual community to help support you. 💜
Don’t remain stuck in your current search another day! Allow yourself to embrace a supportive online community - and allow them to embrace you back. You can find the deep, authentic connections you’re looking for in an online community. 🌐
Start today!
Join The Soulful Sisterhood.
We are a group of soul-searching, sensitive womxn who are passionate about making the world a better place. Although we come from all walks of life, we are united by our desire to use our voices and our actions to create positive change. Each sister has a say in what our monthly virtual meetups look like, so you can be sure your voice will be heard.
In The Soulful Sisterhood, you will find:
Authentic connections with other womxn who are passionate about making a difference
Opportunities to share the causes that are most important to you with the group
A supportive, safe space to share your thoughts and feelings
If you're ready to take action and make a difference in the world, I encourage you to join the Soulful Sisterhood today. Learn more about our community and join us today! Our virtual doors and arms are always open to welcome another sister.
💖Together, we can make a difference. 💖