woman laughing with hoodie
picture of me

The Magic of Your Name

Downloadable Flashcards

Did you know that your name is a personal code that unlocks your unique way of connecting with Nature and All Life?

Use these flashcards to decode your name and uncover your special gifts.

woman jumping
woman with leaf in front of face

What’s the Deal

Your name contains all the information you need to discover your unique path.

✨ The special ways you heal Humanity and Mother Earth were written in the stars before you were born! ✨

I’ve put all the magic together for you with these ‘woo-free’ downloadable flashcards.

You can use them like a map to discover your uniquness!

They draw on:

  • the Hebraic alphabet

  • Kabbalah

  • the work of Ted Anderson

  • Tarot

  • Ancient Elements

  • Sacred Geometry

  • Numerology

  • Palmistry

  • Reiki

  • the Zodiac

  • color and sound healing

…and I grounded them all for you into an easy-to-digest format, without the woo factor.

group of women
dancing woman with rainbow

Here’s a taste of what’s on the vowel cards:

  • letter a

    Enhances positive and negative traits of associated letters

    Positive Traits: Ambition, Intellectuality, Versatility, Inventiveness, Concentration, Aspiration, Truthfulness, Idealism, Sensitivity, Broad-mindedness, Creativity, Organization

  • letter e

    Link between spirituality and physical consciousness

    Positive Traits: strong intellect, intuitive, logical, philosophical, attracts friends, mechanically minded, inventive, outgoing, determined, persistent, strong, electrical, strength of will, genius, mystical

  • letter i

    Fuels fires to burn away emotions and attitudes that stand in the way of higher expression

    Positive Traits: healing ability, self-sufficiency, selflessness, greater love,stimulating, faithful and loyal, active and energetic, demonstrative, intuitive certainty, outspoken

  • letter o

    Learning to balance emotions without suppressing them

    Positive Traits: stability, power, psychic sensitivity, organizing, steadfast, faithful, imaginative, love of music/art, sympathetic, strong-willed, orderliness, sense of justice, sociable, generous, initiative

  • letter u

    Recognizing power within

    Positive Traits: strongly intuitive, conservative, proud, visionary, lucid dreaming, tenacious, poised, trustworthy, protective of others, quiet and unobtrusive, gentle, patient, progressive, reliable, nurturing to children

  • letter y

    I is force, Y is form, experiences with both poles of love and learning to balance them

    Positive Traits: loving, building of mental power, insight and intuition, potential for manifesting great power, mechanical ingenuity, healing, patience, wisdom, aspiration, self-sufficiency, loving guidance, positive, dependability, unselfishness, openness to change, illumination, strong and silent compassion

Example - My Name

letter s

energy for transformation; idealism, opportunity for renewal, truths revealed

letter a

Represents Heaven, Earth, and the bridge between the two.

letter r

healing, enlightenment, power in healing, balance of reason and intuition

letter a

Enhances positive and negative traits of associated letters

letter h

visionary energies, revelation of life potentials, courage, ability to inspire, devotion to the Great Work, spirit contact, initiative

This is what spoke to me about my letters. You may have the same name and discover other aspects of them that “spark” for you.

Putting them all together, it’s clear that I’m here to help create change through grounded (aka woo-free) connection with Spirit & Nature and by inspiring others.

And wouldn’t ya know - that’s exactly what Spark Consciousness is all about! 🙂 How cool is that?!

Note: Both my letters and the vowels above are only a small amount of the information on the cards. Each one could be printed on a 5x8 note card in 7.5 font to fit all the information on each one.

The Magic of Your Name


Get the full set of 26 flashcards to help you figure out your purpose.

Comes as a .pdf that you can choose to print if you wish

the magic of your name
girl with scarf behind
girl laughing in flowers


  • Gained valuable confirmation and insights into her desires.

    “I purchased the Magic of Your Name flashcards from Sarah to gain some confirmation and insight behind my desire to start using my full name instead of the shortened version/nickname I had been adamant about using my entire life. Wow—there is so much information in these cards! … I especially enjoyed the Hebraic alphabet portion—thank you so much for including that section, Sarah! You didn't miss a thing—this is a very thorough set of cards with something for everyone!”

    Tami U.

  • Fantastic! 6 out of 5 stars!!

    “I've been enjoying sipping my morning coffee and adding some entries to my a.m. journal based on what I’m learning. I’ve always loved symbolism, so seeing the traits that are linked to different parts of my name has me thinking... and feeling all the feels — which is a perfect state for the self-reflection journaling I like to do. I feel like the cards are like a treasure map! I can't thank you enough for putting all the varying meanings together in one place.”

    Jana O.

picture of me

Why I’ve always been fascinated by letters/names…

When I was born, my mom spelled my name on my birth certificate without the h at the end (Sara).

From about age 5, I started spelling it with the h and insisting everyone else spell it that way as well.

For my bat mitzvah, my parents had my name legally changed to have the h on the end. Yay! 🎉 (This is also where the story gets REALLY interesting.)

My torah portion for my bat mitzvah 🔯 was Lech L’echa, which is the story of when G-d asks Avram and Sarai to leave their homes, trust Him on a journey, and promises that if they do, G-d will make them a blessing to the world. At the end of the journey, Sarai’s name is changed to Sarah, the h indicating life as she’s now fertile. Avram’s name is changed as well for similar reasons, to Abraham. ✨

Bear in mind that torah portions are not chosen, they’re assigned based on the date because we restart the torah each year on the same date (it’s actually a holiday). And bat mitzvah dates are picked based on your birth date - so all of this was by Divine Design.

In some of my photos and videos, you may have noticed that I wear a Jewish symbol on my necklace. It’s called a Chai (it’s the letters yod and hay - (y and h) and the ch is pronounced like you’re clearing your throat not like cheer). Chai is the Hebrew word for life. I think now, you can see why that’s so significant for me! 😃

I too was asked to go on a journey (moving west), and I believe that part of that was answering the call to do this work, start this business, which is how I’m trying to be a blessing to the world. 🙏

I want you to feel as inspired by your name as I do by mine. So I made these flashcards to help you unlock the secrets that your name holds.