The Soulful Sisterhood

Connect with other sensitive and compassionate women for support in navigating our unkind world, and figuring out how to find ease & joy while healing Mother Earth.

person in red jacket walking in tall grass

Do you feel like…

...The weight of the world is on your shoulders?⁠ You think…

Me: there is so much wrong with the world that it’s all f-ing hopeless.

Also me: I know I can make a difference, but I’m alone with this and it’s too f-ing hard.

...There's not enough compassion and kindness lately? ⁠

Me: Everyone is so mean and rage-y.

Also me: There must be a way to run my errands without feeling like everyone is an a-hole.

...You're alone in trying to move past the stupid sh*t we’re divided over?⁠

Me: It feels like I’m the only one who cares about what’s happening out there.

Also me: There must be a place for me to meet and connect with other women who feel this way too - and are doing something about it.⁠

If any of this sounds familiar…

✨ The Soulful Sisterhood is for you! ✨

woman hugging and laughing

What’s Included in the Monthly Membership

When you join The Soulful Sisterhood, you will:

👭 connect with other soulful seekers for support and community through a private Facebook group and monthly virtual video meetups - compassionately facilitated by your host, Sarah

💖 have access to exclusive, insightful bonus content from Sarah that’s not found anywhere else

🧚‍♀️ receive personal 1:1 guidance from Sarah upon request: 30 mins/month via private video chat

✨ feel safe to share your feelings and process the bad stuff

🦋 be relieved of the burden of trying to fix everything all by yourself

🌀 feel less overwhelmed by the turmoil that you see and experience everyday

🔈 have a say in the format and activities of each of our monthly gatherings to ensure you get the support you need

💛 We don’t avert our eyes. We feel deeply. We need a place to process everything - together. 💛

In processing it with the sisterhood, we will also discover ways to harness and use these feelings to create and inspire positive change.

Subscribe and Join Us Today

woman walking arm in arm
pic of Sarah

Connect immediately with a community of soulful women seeking to inspire positive change and make a difference - just like you!

This burden you feel to fix all the sh*t that’s wrong with the world? It won’t be yours to carry alone.

You will now have a group of sisters to support and walk with you.

Every month
sunset over mountains
picture of Sarah

Hey, I’m Sarah! 👋

I created The Soulful Sisterhood for you because…

💔 I know exactly how hard it is to feel the hurts of the world deep in your soul. I feel them, too.

🔥 Sometimes, I still feel alone in this world that seems like an ever-growing dumpster fire. I need you as much as you need me.

🤗 I want it to be easier for YOU to find ease and joy in the midst of the drama and not feel so alone.

💫 I wish I’d had a community like this when I was figuring out my path to inner peace and being part of the solution.