Sisterhood for Change: Building Connections and Confidence in an Uncertain World
Are you tired of feeling stuck, unsure, or hesitant when it comes to creating positive change in your life?
Imagine a world where your confidence soars, your actions align with your aspirations, and your impact on the world knows no bounds. A membership could be the key to unlocking your potential and helping you become a true catalyst for positive change.
"There is no power for change greater than a community discovering what it cares about."
-Margaret J. Wheatley
In this post, I’ll share with you the power of a sisterhood membership in helping you feel confident using your unique gifts, talents and perspective to create positive change.
Sound familiar? You’re suuuper tired of feeling powerless to change all the BS that’s happening in the world…but you also don’t feel confident or clear on how you can change a damn thing, am I right?
And because you’re feeling this way, you do nothing, which helps no one and changes nothing.
What you need is a place - a group - that will help you feel confident in creating changes. Big, small, global impacts, or personal ones. They all matter and they all add up. But where the heck do you find such a group?
Perhaps you’ve looked at online memberships like The Soulful Sisterhood before, and you’ve been left wondering, how will my monthly fee help me feel more confident in creating positive change?
I’m glad you asked!
I can’t speak to all memberships, of course, but I can tell you about how The Soulful Sisterhood will help you feel more confident in creating positive change.
“Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family: Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one."
-Jane Howard
First, and one of the ways The Soulful Sisterhood is different from a lot of groups you’ll find out there, we get real. So many spiritual growth groups are focused on “high vibes only.” At Spark Consciousness, we know that philosophy is BS. Life is messy, dirty, ugly, and painful. The Soulful Sisterhood was created for exactly that reason - because we cannot be high vibes only all the damned time!
Second, because of all my training in various healing modalities, I know that the true way to help others heal is by holding space. Any healer who tells you they’re doing something more than that is either ego-driven or trying to convince you they’ve got some magical talents they don’t have. True healing is about you doing the work in a safe place. Yes, there may be guided questions or activities or things of that nature, but even those are really about holding space.
Knowing that, I designed The Soulful Sisterhood to be collaborative. Yes, I’m technically the leader in the sense that I’ll be holding space, stepping in when necessary, offering perspective from my wisdom and intuition, etc. However, unlike many group leaders out there, I know that my wisdom and intuition are not the be all and end all.
As a Sisterhood member, you’ll be encouraged to co-create with me what each monthly meeting looks like, share your own insights and wisdom with the group, and (of course) we’ll also hold space for you to share whatever you need to bring to the group for support.
"Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you, spend a lot of time with them, and it will change your life."
–Amy Poehler
And last, but certainly not least, as a member of The Soulful Sisterhood, you’ll connect with other like-minded womxn. Connections, of course, are always valuable, but the connections you make in The Sisterhood are platinum!
They may become your new bff. They may team up with you to tackle an important issue facing society. They may share a perspective that completely shifts your thinking. The possibilities for how the connections you’ll make in The Sisterhood change you - and help you create change - are endless!
You may be thinking: that all sounds pretty great, but what if I don’t actually like any of the other Sisterhood members. I totally get that! I ALWAYS worry about not liking people - and them not liking me.
Actually, that’s part of what makes The Soulful Sisterhood so special! Although we’re all different and come from all walks of life, we all have one very important thing in common - we’re upset by the state of the world and we’re not afraid to face it head on…we just need some support to do it.
“You’ll know the people that feed your soul…because you’ll feel good after spending time with them.“
—Denise Linn
Yes, you may disagree on specific issues or stances, but The Sisterhood isn’t about politics or trying to sway others to your way of thinking. It’s about respect, holding space, taking action, and feeling supported.
If things start to go down the road of an unhealthy debate, I’ll jump in and stop it. The Sisterhood isn’t the place for that. Discussing topics in a respectful way is fine. Personal attacks are not.
Because of this emphasis on creating a safe space, you’ll find connections. People will like you - and you will like them. Because it’s about you and them at a soul level. All the surface noise that makes it hard for you (and me) to find people we like in most groups is left outside The Sisterhood. At a soul level, it’s easy to find compassion and get along.
Are you ready to connect with an amazing group of womxn who will help support you in creating positive change?
Join The Soulful Sisterhood today for $12/month. Our doors and arms are always wide open to welcome new sisters!