Season 1, Episode 24: Grounded Connection to Your Intuition Using Tarot with Rachel Fiorentino #changemakerseries
In this Episode We Discuss:
How Rachel connects with your intuition/Spirit in non-woo ways
How that connection has helped her make life changing decisions
How Rachel helps others make similar types of decisions
How everyone can connect to intuition/Spirit without all the woo stuff
Key Takeaways:
Tarot is a tool that is rooted in Kabbalistic symbology
Symbology is rooted in science and was written about extensively by Carl Jung
When used as a tool, tarot can help you quiet your overactive mind and connect with your intuition
From this place of quiet mind and intuitive connection, you can make life changing decisions with confidence
Websites: 🌐
Spark Consciousness
The Soulful Seeker
The Soulful Sisterhood
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