What’s Happening to You is Happening to Everyone
Wait…What? 😕
But my life experience is unique! And you know that!
You’re right! It is. And I do. 💖
But it’s also true that what’s happening to you is happening to everyone. The unique part is how it shows up in each person’s life.
Are you totally confused yet? Let me explain! 😀
We - everything on the planet, and the planet herself - are all energetically connected to each other. Some spiritual circles call this “The Collective.”
“Invisible threads are the strongest ties.”
– Friedrich Nietzsche
Whatever you choose to call it, quantum science is now trying to prove what many of us already know to be true - these connections are real and play an important role in our lives both individually and collectively.
It means that whatever is happening in “The Collective” is happening in your own life in the ways that you need it for your personal and spiritual growth. It also means that the work you do to improve your life, raise your vibes, etc. benefits “The Collective.” (And if you don’t do this work, you’re pulling “The Collective” down and making it harder for people who are doing the work - just sayin’.)
“We cannot live only for ourselves. A thousand fibers connect us with our fellow men; and among those fibers, as sympathetic threads, our actions run as causes, and they come back to us as effects.”
– Herman Melville
At a recent forest bathing group, we were encouraged to meditate on the “good stuff” happening in the midst of all “the bad stuff.” (I’m paraphrasing here. The instructor used Pema Chodron’s words, but these will do just fine.)
When time was up, we came back to the group to discuss what came up for each of us.
For me, it was about needing to find the positive in my current living situation while waiting for the right move to come up and also about needing to put fun back in the home search process (turns out, I needed to fire my realtors and work with someone else, but that’s a whole other thing…).
For another participant, an older gentleman, it was about feeling overwhelmed by all the weeds in his garden beds and needing to just dive in and work on it because each time he finished one area, he felt better and more motivated to do even more. He also commented how in doing the physical weeding, he was also doing his own “inner weeding.” So true!
He and I hadn’t talked before the exercise. We had no idea what was going to be the topic for the day. It simply played out that we both (and others there as well) needed to find some joy in the mundane, some happiness in the dissatisfaction.
“Like a well-oiled machine, we’ve all been connected since the beginning of time through a beautiful, mystical process of unity.”
– Amy Leigh Mercree
This happens ALL THE TIME.
I’m sure you’ve noticed it too. You’ll be talking to a friend about something and they’ll go “oh yeah! I’ve been feeling that too, here’s my situation.” And it’s a totally different situation than yours, but with the same feelings/needs/growth behind it.
This is not a coincidence! This is part of the Divine Master Plan that built the Universe.
Because we’re all energetically connected, we’re all sharing the same experiences. Those experiences play out in different ways for each of us, but always with the goal that we work through them to heal ourselves and in the process heal “The Collective.”
“All things are connected like the blood that unites us. We do not weave the web of life, we are merely a strand in it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves.”
– Chief Seattle
It’s a never ending circle of growth, change, and healing that helps humanity rediscover how to live in harmony with Nature and all Life. We were born knowing this, but are taught to forget due to stress, societal pressures, and modern-day life.
Are you ready to do the work to live in harmony, reconnect with your soul purpose, and be a force for positive change?
You’re in the right place! 💖
Check out my services and sign up for my biweekly newsletter to get started!