Connect with Nature to feel less alone and help make the world a better place.
Imagine a world where we live authentically focusing on compassion, acceptance, and connection.
In our current reality, the divisiveness is real.
They’re trying to fit us in boxes 📦 that are pretty irrelevant in the grand scheme of things.
It can feel like no one else gets this 🙇♀️, and you’re not sure what to do about it.
BUT YOU KNOW it’s time to make a difference… 🔥
If you’ve been wondering:
How to change society for the better
How to live in harmony with Nature
How can I contribute to society
Welcome, friend, you’re in the right place! 🤗
Connecting with Nature 🌻 can help bring you everything your soul is screaming out for.✨
Welcome to Spark Consciousness
Spark Consciousness
Spiritual guidance without the woo woo. 🔮
Because we’re physical beings living on a physical planet.
Spark Consciousness exists to help you reconnect a piece of yourself with the greater Whole. Together we can find Safety, Connection, Joy - Home.
Discover your unique ways of connecting to Nature, Your Soul, and Your Community
Through the 52-Week Journaling Challenge
Passion Sparks is a 52-week journaling challenge taking you from following society’s “shoulds” to an enhanced awareness of your own ideals and unique connection to Nature.
You will:
💖 Identify your own unique ideals & values (and where they differ from what you’ve always been told)
🔥 Finally understand how to reconnect that emptiness inside with the Universal Whole
🌀 Start affecting change in the world in whatever ways are meaningful for you
💚 Wake the F*** up to how you can make a difference and live in harmony with Nature!
Hi, I'm Sarah! 💖
Hi, I'm Sarah! 💖
From birth (and maybe before), I felt the need to help heal Mother Earth 🌎 and help humans live in harmony with Gaia and all Beings.
Like yours, my life has been full of twists and turns. The one constant was my desire to find peace and live in harmony. ☮️
The more I learned about Earth and the animals 🐒 and plants we live with, the more I learned about myself and my place in the world.
As a result, I had more compassion for myself and for every living being. 🌱
And that’s how Spark Consciousness was born.
In a nutshell, what I learned going through my 40+ years of life is that knowledge is the basis for compassion and the key to feeling connected. 💖
I know you are looking for those feelings of peace, connection, and ease. I see you, and I am here to help.
6 ways to learn from me
Learn how a connection with Nature helps you live a peaceful, joy-filled life of ease.
Biweekly podcast. Each show we're dropping knowledge bombs and answering your burning questions about Nature, animals, spirituality, mental health, women's empowerment, and other profound topics.
Go from stumbling around looking for ways to nurture yourself and Mother Earth to embodying the harmonious rhythm that comes from living aligned with Nature. In this unique online course.
Connect with other compassionate women for support navigating our unkind world and figuring out how to find ease and joy while healing Mother Earth.
Downloadable Flashcards
Did you know that your name is a personal code that unlocks your unique way of connecting with Nature and All Life?
Use these flashcards to decode your name and uncover your special way of contributing to the solution.
A 52-week journaling challenge taking you from following society’s “shoulds” to an enhanced awareness of your own ideals and unique connection to Nature.
Get exclusive insights, guidance, and offers that help you connect to the wisdom of Nature.
-Maxime Lagaće
“By discovering nature, you discover yourself.”
-William Wordsworth
“Come forth into the light of things, let Nature be your teacher.”
Give a F*k Podcast
We're dropping knowledge bombs and answering your burning questions about Nature 🌳, animals 🦌, spirituality 🪷, mental health 🧠, women's empowerment 💪, and other profound topics.
Most recent episodes here.
Find the rest where you pod best or right here.