Fun Facts about Flowers to Help You Find Your Purpose
Working with plants and flowers is one way to connect with Nature and through that find your purpose. 🌸 You may know that certain flowers have meanings - like roses 🌹 are related to apples and both signify love.
Flowers also have more spiritual meanings and can help you find your purpose. These fun flowers and facts about flowers will help you choose which flower or flowers you want to try to work with on this point of your journey. 🌼
Daisies are one of my favorite flowers! They always look like they’re smiling and happy to me. 😀
Perhaps, it’s no surprise then that they’re useful for opening up creativity. They can also be used to connect with the fairy 🧚 realm, if that’s of interest to you.
Sunflowers move throughout the day to follow the sun. ☀️
They’re thought by some Native cultures to hold the power of the sun within them and can help you tap into your own powers of manifestation and self-actualization.
Working with sunflowers can be very beneficial when trying to create a fulfilling life.
Now often a first sign of spring, tulip bulbs were more valuable than gold at one point in the Netherlands.
Perhaps this is because the bright flowers standing tall on a single stalk are a reminder to trust our own efforts.
Depending on the color, each tulip 🌷 has a specific meaning and energetic connection.
Corpse Flower
Despite the creepy name, corpse flower has some pretty cool attributes. Corpse flower is the biggest flower in the world!
Much like the Death card in Tarot, corpse flowers are about change. 🌀
So, if part of finding your purpose is making radical changes in your life, corpse flower could be helpful for you.
Venus Fly Trap
You probably know that Venus Fly Trap is a carnivorous plant, which makes it pretty unusual. Like every plant, though, Venus Fly Trap can also be used to help you grow.
The spiritual properties Venus Fly Trap are reminder to be patient and keep your options open. 🧘
Although carnivorous, they cannot hunt, and must wait for a meal to fly near enough to them. So too, do we sometimes have to be patient and wait for the right opportunity.
Another early spring flower, daffodil, also known as narcissus, has ties to both Greek and Egyptian mythology.
The bulbs produce a substance which is used to fight Alzheimer’s.
Daffodil’s heady scent is a reminder that our true selves shine through best when we surrender to the Higher Plan and focus on working on inner beauty. 🦋
nner work is vital to finding your purpose, so this is a great one to work with if you’re just starting this process.
Frangipani (aka Plumeria)
You may be most familiar with this flower as a scent used in perfume.
Working with Frangipani can also help you learn to speak your truth and feel confident in who you are. 💙 It helps strengthen your sense of self and appear more confident to others as your self-confidence grows.
With five petals, it’s also a signifier of change, as five in numerology is the number for change.
Morning Glory
A fast growing vine, morning glory’s flowers live only one day, but are continually in bloom with new flowers through the summer months.
They open only from dawn to dusk.
Working with Morning Glory will help you to break old habits that are standing in the way of the future you’re trying to create. 🚪
Once known as the “sorcerer's violet” periwinkle is trailing vine that was often planted on the graves of children to protect them from evil spirits.
In addition to being protective, Periwinkle assists with creating a new rhythm in your life. 🥁
Cowslip (aka Shooting Star)
This flower grows in prairie areas as a cluster of star-shaped flowers on a single stalk. They help us stay grounded while opening up to new possibilities.
They’re a reminder to be pragmatic while pursuing your dreams. ✨
Sweet William
Finding your purpose and changing your life to suit it is a scary process. With the help of Sweet William, you’ll be able to face those fears.
As a biennial plant that blooms only the second year, it’s a reminder to keep going as our efforts may not produce success until the second year. 💫
Working with Fun Flowers to Find Your Purpose
Choose one or two of these flowers that you’d like to work with more. To further your connection with them and invite them to help you with finding your life purpose, you can try several ideas:
Draw them
Post pictures of them where you can see them regularly
Find them in Nature and sit beside them
Write about them in great detail
How you feel around them
Talk to them
Grow them in a pot, if possible
If you liked these fun facts about flowers and this exercise of connecting with flowers to help you discover your purpose, check out the journaling challenge! 💖