Finding Your Purpose: It's Not a One-Time Thing
Do you believe that finding your purpose is a one-time event? Think again. Your purpose can change multiple times throughout your life. Really!
Finding your purpose is an on-going journey that changes as your experiences, knowledge, and values change.
If you’re like most people, you’ve grown up with the idea of “a calling” or “finding your destiny.” It’s certainly a romantic notion! This idea that there's one thing - and one thing only - that each of us is here to contribute provides a sense of certainty and also a sense of duty.
As human brains 🧠 are wired at the current point in evolution, we love certainty! It gives us a sense of control, which often helps alleviate fear. Change is scary for most of us, right? Especially those of us who are sensitive, yes ladies? You know I’m right there with you! 💖
It’s okay if the idea that finding your purpose is a one-time event is what you’ve believed up to this point! As you’re now aware, this is common in our society because we need to feel a sense of certainty, direction, and control.
Here’s the thing: if you’re feeling stuck, lost, disconnected from life, you’re not living your purpose. Even if how you were living - what you’ve been doing - felt true and right up to this point. If you keep holding onto this idea that finding your purpose is a one shot deal, you’ll keep feeling stuck.
What do you say we kick that notion to the curb so we can move forward? Yes!
The Real Reals about Finding Your Purpose
Finding your purpose is a lifelong journey!
Everything in your life informs you what your purpose is. How do you know it’s your purpose? It feels like it’s the right space for you. It feels like ‘This is what I should be doing; this is where I feel most myself.
~ Oprah Winfrey
Your goals, ideals, passions, and values change over time. As you experience more and lean into these new experiences, your perspective of what’s right and wrong changes. This is a good thing! As those changes occur, so too must your purpose change to align with your new values and beliefs. 🦋
As I’m sure you know, life is constantly throwing us unexpected challenges and setbacks. Often, they don’t feel good in the moment. However, these challenges are a chance to alter course. They’re an invitation to look at what you’re doing, why you’re doing it, and if it still makes sense.
How does what you’re doing feel now compared to when you started? If it no longer feels aligned, it’s a signal that your purpose has shifted and it’s time to take the first step towards finding a new path. 👣
One of the beautiful things about life is that we always have the opportunity to learn more. To quote Maya Angelou: “Do the best you can until you know better. Then, when you know better, do better.” Whether it’s through courses, experiences, reading, or any other method, being alive means we’re always learning. As your knowledge increases, your ideals will likely shift, too. When that happens, you’ll also come to a point where it’s time to find a new purpose.
Now that you know the truth - that finding your purpose is an ongoing, lifelong journey, what’s the path forward?
First, and possibly easiest, is keep going! Keep learning and experiencing life to the fullest - whatever that looks like for you. Trust that those experiences you’re having are necessary to help you find the next purpose, the next truth, for you. 👍
The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows.
~ Sydney J. Harris
When setbacks and challenges occur, be open to the lessons they provide. Approach them with a sense of curiosity about what you may learn, where they may be pointing you to bring your skills and passions. 🔥
During the times when you’re feeling uncertain about your purpose, it’s also extra important to prioritize self-care. When you maintain good mental, physical, and spiritual health, you’ll be better equipped to cope with, process, and understand the new information, challenges, and changes that arise.
Here’s an example:
I first started wrestling with this question of “what’s my true purpose in life” in my early 30s. At the beginning, I felt lost, sad, and angry all the time. Slowly, things started to shift.
I discovered Reiki and got training all the way up to the Master Teacher level. Even though I still felt like there was more to the picture - more to understand about the mysteries of the Universe - I also thought “Ah! This is how I can help. Reiki must be my purpose.”
For a while, maybe it was. I loved playing with the energy and seeing how it helped people feel better… but that nagging sense of “more to the story” never went away.
Skip ahead a bit and an offhand comment from someone at a retreat I was hosting pointed me in the direction of learning more about shamanism. Getting this training was the deepest, most intensely beautiful thing I’ve done for myself - still is in a lot of ways. 🙏
Again, I thought, “ah! This is my purpose! I’m a shamanic healer.” And for a while, that was great too. But…
After a while, I felt like I needed to do more to help animals and Mother Earth, so I shifted my offerings a bit.
For a time, that felt like my purpose, too! (Are you seeing the trend here?)
Then, I felt like I needed to be a bit more grounded and creative, so I worked on being a children’s author. Even won some awards, so I thought that MUST be my purpose…again, it was for a while…
Now, in my 40s, after years of feeling super frustrated about the state of society, years of growing more and more annoyed by how many people (sometimes, even folkx who think of themselves as “spiritual” or “enlightened”) don’t seem to understand how their actions impact All Life, I’m working with the premise that my purpose is to teach about how we’re all connected - and in the process help you find your purpose (at least one that works for now) while unraveling the mysteries of how the Universe works. 🌀
You’re probably thinking, “will your purpose change again?”
It might! I don’t have a crystal ball; I can’t predict the future. 🔮 But I do know that the older we get, the closer we get to our “wisdom years.” Wisdom years are the years when we’re living our personal power and generally things in life seem to go a bit more smoothly than they have in the past (assuming we actually do live our personal power, of course).
So, with that understanding, I think it’s unlikely that my purpose will shift again, but you never know! I’m open to whatever comes next, and I hope you’ll take that same approach to finding your life purpose. (And I promise, that no matter what, you’ll continue to be supported through this business, too.)
Remember, finding your true purpose in life is not a one-time event. It’s not a one shot deal with no do overs. Finding your purpose is an ongoing journey - one to be approached with curiosity, openness, and joy! You can shift any time you feel you need to, as many times as you want.
Don’t let the idea that finding your life purpose happens only once keep you from making changes in your life. Don’t stop growing because you’re afraid that by changing your purpose you’re moving away from your “destiny.” Destiny is flexible. Your purpose is not a fixed point. Keep learning, experiencing, growing, changing, and shifting. You’ve got this! 💪 And I’m here to help! 💖
If you’re searching for your (next) purpose, you’re ready to learn more, uncover new values, and awaken new passions! ✨
Take the first step by joining my online course The Soulful Seeker. In this course, you will gain new knowledge and shift your perspectives as you learn how to:
Discover your (current) true purpose in life
Connect with your inner wisdom
Create positive change using your passions
The Soulful Seeker is a journey of self-discovery and transformation. You will learn how to create a life where you’re living in accordance with your values and inspiring others to do the same. 🥳
If you're ready to start your journey to find your (current) purpose and make a positive impact on the world, sign up for The Soulful Seeker.
In it, I will help you find your purpose and live a more conscious and compassionate life.
If the course isn’t open, be sure to grab a spot on the waiting list so you’ll be first to know when you can sign up!