

Last updated: (5/17/2023)

We strongly believe in walking the walk, so we do more than talk about how to live in harmony with Nature, we do our best to take our own advice, while recognize that no one can do everything, but we can all do something and it all adds up.

Personally and professionally, here are a few of things we do to ensure a sustainable lifestyle the serves Gaia and all her creatures. This is not a comprehensive list, and we’re also open to additional suggestions.

  • vegan lifestyle

  • try not to print anything

  • buy recycled paper goods (including TP and such)

  • use reusable grocery bags

  • use glass food storage containers

  • use eco-friendly cat litter

  • take the “eco-route” when driving

We’re constantly learning and adapting as life changes, so this list will always grow and expand.