No one can do everything, but we can all do something

pic of sarah

What can you do? Start Here.

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    Expand Your Knowledge

    Knowledge is the basis for compassion 💖 when you understand why Beings need what they need, why things are the way they are, it’s easier to feel more compassion for them and for yourself 🦋

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    Feel The Connections

    Spark Consciousness sparks your interests and passions so you can start to figure out your place in the great connections of world/web of life. 🌎

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    Live With Compassion

    When you connect with nature 🌻 you connect with your own soul, your place becomes clear, and you feel more compassion for yourself and every Being we share Earth with. ✨

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    Make Conscious Choices

    No one can do everything, but we can all do something, and it all adds up. 🔥 It feels like the world is overwhelming and sucks - and like you can’t do anything about it - but you can. Your choice matters, what you do matters. YOU matter. ✌🏼

Join the Soulful Sisterhood

In this private membership you will:

👭 connect with other soulful seekers for support and community through a private Facebook group and monthly virtual video meetups - compassionately facilitated by your host, Sarah

💖 have access to exclusive, insightful bonus content from Sarah that’s not found anywhere else

🧚‍♀️ receive personal 1:1 guidance from Sarah upon request: 30 mins/month via private video chat

✨ feel safe to share your feelings and process the bad stuff

🦋 be relieved of the burden of trying to fix everything all by yourself

🌀 feel less overwhelmed by turmoil that you see and experience everyday.

💛 We don’t avert our eyes. We feel deeply. We need a place to process everything - together. 💛

In processing it with the sisterhood, we will also discover ways to harness and use these feelings to create and inspire positive change.

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Binge My Resources 🙌🏼

Binge My Resources 🙌🏼

Give a F*K Podcast

Each show presents new information and/or old information in a new way to help you see connections and live in harmony. 💖 Some also have additional resources. 💫

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The Soulful Seeker

Doors Reopen Sept 7, 2023

Go from stumbling around looking for ways to make a difference to knowing the ideals you stand for and how to act on them in 8 easy-to-digest video units.

The Soulful Sisterhood

Connect with other soulful seekers for support navigating the world as compassionate womxn and using your strengths to inspire others.

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The Magic of Your Name

Downloadable Flashcards

Did you know that your name is a personal code that unlocks your unique ideals and contributions?

Use these flashcards to decode your name and uncover your purpose.

Journaling Challenge

A 52-week journaling challenge taking you from following society’s “shoulds” to an enhanced awareness of your own ideals and unique path.

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BiWeekly Newsletter

Tips, suggestions, guidance, and advice right in your inbox.

No SPAM, ever!

Children’s Books Author

Sarah is an award-winning story keeper of children’s books 📚 who is passionate about a variety of activist topics including the environment, 🐝 animal rights, human rights, race, religion, and LGBTQIA. 🌈

She enjoys inspiring the next generation through her books, several of which have ranked in The Purple Dragonfly Book Awards. 🥇 While writing about topics many others shy away from, 💫 Sarah has discovered that children are very open to reading and learning about these subjects, 🦉 and by writing about them, Sarah is helping parents raise the next generation of activists. 🤟

jemma's grandpa
ellie of the woods
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the little lost bee